Highlighting Member Impact

Bart Alexander
Congratulations to DCFR member Bart Alexander who received the 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award as a “Top Thought Leaders in Trust” by Trust Across America!
In 2018, Mr. Alexander was recognized for the fourth year in a row being nominated as one of America’s “Top Thought Leaders in Trust” by Trust Across America for his work with senior leaders, teams, and organizations to integrate corporate responsibility and sustainability into their purpose, strategy, and culture.
Professor Lewis Griffith

Since 2011, DCFR member and DU Professor of International Security at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, ​​​​​​​Professor Lewis Griffith, has allocated countless hours of his free time towards developing and administering the Crisis Engagement and Negotiation Exercise (CENEX).  This annual, two day, professional crisis simulation provides students with the opportunity to engage in a real-time crisis that must be negotiated in a high stakes, rapidly changing environment.  The 2018 scenario involved student teams from Saudi Arabia, Iran, the UAE, Qatar, Turkey, Oman, Russia, and the United States as they wrestled with realistic crisises in security, economic issues, and humanitarian aide.  The student body is eternally grateful for the work that Professor Griffith puts into their education, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Professor Ved Nanda
DCFR Member ​​​​​​​Professor Ved Nanda has been awarded the Padma Bhushan, the third-highest civilian award in the Republic of India!  Instituted on 2 January 1954, the award is given for “distinguished service of a high order…without distinction of race, occupation, position, or sex.”  The award criteria include “service in any field including service rended by Government servants,” such as doctors and scientists who’s work includes elements of public service.  Professor Nanda’s work with the World Jurist Association, American Society of International Law, United States Institute of Human Rights, United National Association-USA, American Bar Association Section of International Law, and the Sturm College of Law at the University of Denver are just a few of the organizations through which he has worked as a public servant.
We are honored to have Professor Nanda as a DCFR member and congratulate him on his Padma Bhushan award!
On February 25th, the University of Denver will celebrate the 50th teaching anniversity of Professor Ved Nanda, Evans University Professor and Thompson G. Marsh Professor of Law at the Sturm College of Law.
Professor Nanda introduced an International Human Rights Law course at Denver Law, making it the second of its kind in the nationa at that time.  He also created the law school’s International Legal Studies Program in 1972, as well as establishing the Denver Journal of International Law and Policy in the same year. Read more about Professor Nanda’s career here.
While visiting Hiroshima, Japan, and speaking to the Hiroshima Peace Lecture Series on October 6th, 2016 Ved was surprised and humbled to be given the Hiroshima Peace Award in recognition of his contributions to world peace.
Dr. Nanda also had an article about the refugee crisis in Europe published in the Denver Post that can be seen here.
Professor Edward Thomas Rowe

DCFR Member and University of Denver Professor Edward Thomas Rowe contributes his time as the Director of the International Career Advancement Program (ICAP).  The mission of ICAP is to bring greater quality and diversity to the staffing of senior management and policy-making positions in international affairs, government agencies, non-profit organization, and the private sector.  It accomplishes this by assisting highly promising mid-career professionals from underrepresented groups in advancing to more senior positions in international affairs.  Professor Rowe, the founder of ICAP, was honored on September 14, 2017 when Representatives Gregory Meeks and Eliot L. Engel introduced a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives commemorating the twentieth anniversary of ICAP (H.Res. 522).

“This resolution is truly a tribute to the over 500 talented individuals who have participated as well as to the many supporters and advocates of the program who have recognized the need and have made it possible for over two decades.

It also underscores the importance of fostering diversity in senior ranks in international affairs so that the United States can fulfil its potential.” – Tom Rowe
Yadira Rodriguez Bernal

DCFR Member Yadira Rodriguez Bernal was recently recognized with the Red Cross International Services Hero Award 2017.  She works at Nationwide Insurance full time and her schedule includes Saturdays, but she still finds time to visit the Immigration Detention Center to work with detainees.  Yadira is orginally from Colombia and utilizes her background to connect and provide comfort to people in the Aurora facility.  She is a passionate supporter of the Red Cross in Denver and consistently helps in various Red Cross programs across several lines of service.  In her spare time, Yadira organized a home fire prevention campaign for her co-workers to install smoke detectors in homes throughout vulnerable communities.  Her dedication to others is ovbious through the hours of time she so willingly gives through her volunteer service.

On behalf of the Denver Council on Foreign Relations and the Denver Community, we want to congratulate Yadira on her award and recognize her as a leader in the community!​​​​​​​
Her Red Cross International Services Award 2017 recognition interview can be seen here!
Ken Scott
DCFR Member Ken Scott is one of three members of the United Nations Commissions on Human Rights in South Sudan. The commissioners have spent a year investigating abuses in the civil war-torn African national and spoke with Colorado Public Radio about their findings.
South Sudan: UN Report Contains “Searing” Account of Killings, Rapes and Destruction – United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner – 03.11.2016
DCFR member Ken Scott, Commissioner at the UN Commission for Human Rights in South Sudan, recently conducted an interview with WNYC about Human Rights and genocide in South Sudan.
The entire interview is available at the WNYC website here.
Dr. James Hecht
Dr. James Hecht, a long-time member and friend of DCFR has released a new book! Recently celebrating his 90th Birthday, Dr. James L. Hecht hasn’t slowed down at all. Denver’s own 5280 Magazine sat down with Dr. Hecht in October 2016 to conduct an interview about his new book and his history of public service.
Sidney Brooks
DCFR Chairman, Sidney Brooks, has recently been honored by being selected as the co-chair of the International Insolvency Forum at the Annual St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.
The annual St. Petersburg Legal Forum, founded in 2011, is organized under the auspices of the President of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Over the years, the organization has emerged as a foremost international platform for discussing a broad range of urgent questions confronting the contemporary international community of legal professionals.